Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Disease, and Silly Companies...

So, first I was sick. Not quite deathly ill--and definitely not swine flu, or H1N1--but not exactly functional either. Then, I get rested and well and head back into work...

...where I find out I'm working overnights. So I end up working 2 shifts without sleeping (because I was so well rested I couldn't sleep that day...ironic). And in the process, had the evil sick rear it's ugly head yet again.

That means...no energy, time nor inclination for posting. Sorry.

Tho, with the new schedule, it makes a late-ish coffee shop run possible...mmmm...potential special series brewing!

(Ha ha, totally not an intended coffee pun. So sad.)

That's it for now...sorry for all the crap-posts, but...it happens. Go get a cup of coffee and fume if you must.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's Thursday...

...which means I owe you folks a post. But the plans to do a coffee shop were foiled by illness. And that was my primary plan for the post. Hrm.

Bloglines isn't turning up much to link to. Curses.

It's time for silly tests.

Your result for The Caffeine Addiction Test...

A Bit Overboard

You're 40% Caffeine-Addict!

You're getting a bit carried away with this caffeine business. At the levels of caffeine you're consuming you probably aren't even enjoying the drug anymore. When was the last time you even had a good coffee-buzz?

You know, more doesn't always mean better. Consider taking a caffeine-vacation for a few days every week. Then, during the days when you do help yourself to some coffee you'll be reminded of what made you fall in love with the drug in the first place.

Your result for The Coffee Knowledge Test...

Coffee Snob

71 % knowledge

I can see the passion rising in you.Go forth, Grasshopper, take what you have learned here and thrive. I have nothing left to teach you.

Your result for The Caffienated Test...

The Puritan

44% Caffienated! 30% Sweet! 57% Coffee addicted!

You like your coffee, and you like it solo. You probably enjoy having a good cuppa, but you aren't addicted to caffiene or sugar per se. Fru-Fru coffee drinks aren't likely to be your forte.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Scottie's Coffee and Tea House

I finally made it out to Scottie's Coffee and Tea House, in Ye Olde Worthington, OH. I actually visited the place twice last week, once with a friend and once on my own. I really enjoyed myself, and I may just have to drop in more often.

If you need a reminder on how I've set up my review system, you might just want to go here.

Free wifi is available. I didn't catch the service they use, and since I used my Centro while there I didn't find out for myself. There were quite a few people online both times I was at the store, and several of them looked camped out for extended periods (class projects, one guy editing a power point presentation). No equipment provided for computer users...but there are old-school Ms. Pacman and Centipede machines available for 50 cents a ride.
Rating: Full Mug for free access and making patrons comfortable enough to stay for hours.

Scotties is laid out essentially as a roomy horseshoe. There are two doors in, and either one leads to a couple of intimate seating areas. The bar runs along one wall, facing the main room where you find larger tables, a couch, and several armchairs that accomodate large groups easily. Drip coffee is served from a table of vacuum pump carafes, and the condiment bar is right across from them (easy as pie to find).
Rating: Full Mug for having plenty of space, a variety of comfy seating, and simple to find essentials.

The drinks offered strike a good balance between espresso classics (cappucino) and pricier, more exotic fair (Surly Girl Scout). The menu itself is clear and uncluttered without being boring. In addition to some excellent drip coffee (I enjoyed a cup of Highlander Grog, always a winner) Scotties offers a full range of hot and cold espresso products, and well as smoothies, teas, and simple food (PBJ sandwiches, hummus, coffee cake).
Rating: Full Mug for having a simple menu that delivers what a reasonable patron would want.

Prices are reasonable. You can get a 20 oz. cup of coffee for $2, and refills for $1 a piece. There's also a bottomless mug option for $2.68 a cup...free refills, but it'll take you three mugs to earn back the investment. Other price checks: 20 oz latte, $4. Flavored latte, $4.75 for 20 oz.
Rating: Full Mug for not price gouging, and providing a balance between profit and value with the bottomless mug option.

Scotties has one of the best coffee house feels I've run into. It smells like coffee, has the classic coffee shop patrons (college students, bohemians, old men playing chess). The furniture has a unique, not-bought-from-Sysco feel to it. There's even original art work on the walls and for sale...photographs by Cheryl and Doug Kneisley, underwater scenes from the Caribbean, Bahamas, and Florida Keys.
Rating: Full Mug because I don't think they could be more like an indie coffee shop if they tried...because, well, that's what they are.

Let me finish off with a couple pictures of the place...I neglected to get a shot of the storefront like I'd planned, but I might be able to update that at a later date. If you're anywhere near Worthington, Scotties is a great place to stop for a bit...just a couple minutes south of 270 on US-23.

Rating Overall: Five full, steaming mugs of java!

Scotties Table

Scotties Inside 1

Scotties Inside 2