Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Disease, and Silly Companies...

So, first I was sick. Not quite deathly ill--and definitely not swine flu, or H1N1--but not exactly functional either. Then, I get rested and well and head back into work...

...where I find out I'm working overnights. So I end up working 2 shifts without sleeping (because I was so well rested I couldn't sleep that day...ironic). And in the process, had the evil sick rear it's ugly head yet again.

That means...no energy, time nor inclination for posting. Sorry.

Tho, with the new schedule, it makes a late-ish coffee shop run possible...mmmm...potential special series brewing!

(Ha ha, totally not an intended coffee pun. So sad.)

That's it for now...sorry for all the crap-posts, but...it happens. Go get a cup of coffee and fume if you must.

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