Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Instant Coffee

It's time to discuss instant coffee...specifically, the acceptable and the will-get-you-beaten.

And just a tip here: if someone's choice in coffee offends you to the point of violence...just go get something you like better. Someone brings you a cup that's just...awful? So what? Have them hold down the fort while you go get something better. They have some awful instant coffee in their cupboard? Don't beat them; buy them some Clasico.

Since we're on the subject, Clasico is really the only kind of instant I'll consider. Remember that camping trip I took a few weeks back? I'm totally capable of using a percolator over a stove or fire, but it's kind of a pain. So I went looking for a package of instant. And not just ANY instant. The Nescafe Clasico.

This stuff is great. I'd had instant a few times before meeting Clasico, and it was...lacklustre, to say the least. Weak and bitter, no matter what I did to it. I swore off instant for several years.

Enter Juan. I used to work at an international fast food chain, and while there I met an incredible guy named Juan. I could write a whole blog about how great Juan is/was, but since this isn't the Juan-Blog I'll limit the discussion to his contribution to my coffee repetoire.

It was Sunday morning, just before open. The work was pretty much finished, and I was thinking about unlocking the doors early for the hell of it. Juan was smarter than I: he was making some coffee that smelled amazing. I followed my nose to see him mixing up some instant coffee.

"Juan! Instant? No bueno, amigo." I started to turn away.

"Oh no, Jone-a-tan. Es MUY bueno. Here," and he offered me the cup, already mixed up con leche style the way I like it (that is, a lil coffee with the milk and sugar). Before I could protest, he was mixing another cup for himself.

So I drank it. And swore that first thing after my shift, I was going to buy me some Nescafe Clasico, even if I had to travel to Jungle Jim's to get it. Joe came in not long after this, and also took a free sample...and immediately asked Juan for another cup.

Juan's a good guy, and gave Joe the second cup. Like I said, Juan is amazing.

Long story shorter than it could be? If you need instant (and yes, there are situations that call for it) coffee, make sure you have some Clasico on your shelf. It's freeze'll keep. Long as you need it too, I reckon.

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