Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Ayuh. That's what we got here, a situation for a reset. In recent weeks, I've quit my second job and had a decided interest in refocusing on writing, specifically blogging. With a little luck, we'll start seeing some more posting action happening around here.

I need to figure out a better review system, something that can keep things more on an even keel. A rating system, perhaps, something that can rate specific things. Or categories. I dunno, and I'm rambling now. If you have any suggestions...please, offer them. I'm open to suggestions, 'cause I know I ain't the smartest clown in the blogosphere.

Right now I'm grappling with the best amount of sugar to put into my coffee. I like darker blends, which are pretty bitter if you take them straight. I also drink Folger's during the week, which is not exactly smooth. 1/2 & 1/2 helps, but it's not foolproof. When I go too light on the sugar, it's hard to keeping drinking it. The taste is lost in the bitterness.

Too much sugar? Not only do I start hearing "Diabetes runs in the family!" but only the first half is really drinkable. Sugar settles on the bottom as sugar is wont to do, and no amount of stirring will get it to dissolve evenly. By the time I'm in the bottom half of the mug, I'm grimacing just as bad as if I didn't put enough in.

Part of my problem is I don't really measure it in. I eyeball it, using a plain scoop. If I started using a measuring system, I'd at least be able to knowing how much is too much, etc and adjust.

But I'm resisting that. It seems too...artificial. Too mechanical. No feel. Am I just being an idiot? I think maybe.

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