Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Late, Anti-Climatic Post

I had intended to write a late post, a review on Scottie's Cafe and Tea House. I had it in mind all day, even while I had one of the worst days at work ever. I made myself drag my tired, vegetable-like butt off the couch and head down to Worthington. I made sure I had my review template on my Palm, and realized I could shoot some pretty cool pics with it once I got in the space and saw how neat it was.

Then my friend showed up, and we spent the hour visiting. Ooops.

I'll go back very soon, 'cause this is one of the coolest shops I've been in, period. In the mean time, informal poll time:

In order to atone for dereliction of duty, should the author
  1. Be made to post on the weekend
  2. Submit to a kick from each reader
  3. Write "I Won't Forget to Take Notes" 25 times
  4. Just write the dang review ASAP
  5. All of the above

Make your selections, choose your druthers!

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