Thursday, April 23, 2009


There's been a lack of posting this week, which apparantly I explained on my other blogs but not here. Sorry :-( The short version is: my girlfriend and I have split and the drama of that, coupled with getting things in our apartment squared away, hasn't left me a lot of time or inclination to blog.

But now, we gotta fix that.

I still haven't made it to any coffee shops...sorry. However, I did find a new blog that does some really in-depth reviews...they're working their way through the Columbus specialty coffee scene, and it definitely seems like they know what they're talking about.

Check out Columbus Coffee Review today!

I'm hunting up some other coffee blogs out there, so if you know of one please drop me a line!

A pretty good article on how to grind coffee showed up on my Twitter page courtesty of Coffee Zen. It's on the site Ezine Articles, and you might find it helpful.

I started to add to this post, then realized it would make a lot more sense to have it as it's own post. You'll see what I mean Monday.

Take care and enjoy!

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